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Ecological company organized fire safety training and emergency evacuation drill activities

Source: Ecology Corporation 时间:2022-11-14 09:09 Number of readings:


      In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the important instructions of the Party's 20th Congress on safety production and respond to the theme of fire protection Publicity Month "Grasp fire safety and ensure high-quality development", on November 10, the safety operation Department of Ecological Company jointly carried out fire safety training and emergency evacuation drill activities with all staff of Xi 'an Army Fire Protection Organization Company。

Before the drill, Instructor Xu Jiangang gave an in-depth explanation on fire safety and emergency evacuation and escape knowledge, clarified the process, division of responsibilities, and evacuation route of the drill, and effectively ensured the personal safety of employees during the drill。At 4 p.m., in the rapid sound of alarms, the fire emergency evacuation drill officially began, and the emergency teams were immediately in place according to their emergency plan responsibilities。After the security officer gives the alarm, he guides the employees to cover their mouths and noses, bow their heads, and evacuate in an orderly manner in strict accordance with the plan route. The volunteer fire brigade checks the office area to ensure that all employees are evacuated to a safe area。During the evacuation drill, the staff also lit fire smoke bombs to further create a real atmosphere of evacuation from the "fire scene"。

Through the fire safety training and emergency evacuation drill activities, the fire safety awareness of employees has been effectively enhanced, and the on-site operation ability and self-rescue ability have been improved。In the next step, the ecological company should further improve its emergency response capability and build a solid safety barrier for the smooth operation of the company。(王琛)